Cannons at Valley Forge

Buddy Secor

Extra Resources! Generations @ Valley Forge

Inspired at American Battlefield Trust's Generations Event at Valley Forge? Looking for more historical details? 

We've collected a selection of videos, articles, primary sources, and biographies to further your exploration of this pivotal place and the turning-point events that happened during the Revolutionary War winter months of 1777-1778. 

People at Valley Forge

George Washington

Learn about the life of George Washington, the military officer, statesman, and Founding Father who served as the first president of the United States

Nathanael Greene

Nathanael Greene’s rise to prominence as one of the most skilled and celebrated generals of the American Revolution appears unlikely based upon his

Baron von Steuben

Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Augustus von Steuben was born on September 17, 1730, in the fortress town of Magdeburg in Prussia but spent most of the first

Cuffee Wells

Cuffee Wells was born in Guiana, South America. His date of birth is unknown. When he was a child, he was sent to Connecticut and enslaved under a

Marquis de Lafayette

Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, better known simply as the Marquis de Lafayette, was born into an extremely noble family in Chavaniac, France

Alexander Hamilton

Born a bastard (illegitimate) child on January 11, 1755 or 1757, to Scotsman James Hamilton and Rachel Fawcett Levine on the British colonial island

Charles Lee

Charles Lee (February 6, 1732 - October 2, 1782) was a Major General in the American Revolutionary War. He was second-in-command to General George

Henry Lee III

Henry Lee III or, as he was referred to after the American Revolution, “Light-Horse Harry” Lee, was one of George Washington’s most tenacious cavalry

Polly Cooper

Polly Cooper of the Oneida Indian Nation helped save Continental soldiers’ lives after they suffered through the harsh winter of 1777-78 at Valley

Thomas Conway

Thomas Conway is known as an officer with a name most connected to American Revolutionary War historiography with the loosely defined cabal that

Casimir Pulaski

Growing up as a privileged aristocrat, and with a reputation of more bravado than sense, Casimir Pulaski nonetheless made a significant impact on the