Save it. Don't pave it. Stop building on battlefields.
Speak Out
Use Your Voice to Protect American History
There is only one national organization working to save America's battlefields today and for future generations: The American Battlefield Trust. We can’t save these threatened battlefields alone—we need help from concerned citizens like you. Please see our current actions below.
Take Action Now
Stop the Prince William Digital Gateway and Protect Manassas Battlefield
Stop the Largest Rezoning in Orange County History
Limit Airport Expansion Near Lexington & Concord
Explore Opportunities to Speak Out

The Trammell Crow Company has proposed a development that would stretch across several properties within the historic core of the Bristoe Station Battlefield. Please voice your opposition to this project so it can be considered by local decision makers.
Voice concerns to to local leaders about the overwhelming negative impact this development proposal would have on the Chancellorsville Battlefield.

In early 2020, torrential rainfalls caused catastrophic destruction at Vicksburg National Military Park. Tell Congress they should move swiftly to fund the required studies and see that the park is reopened to the public as quickly as possible.

Use your voice to tell officials to create protocols for evaluating solar and data center proposals before they approve any more spot zoning.

A proposed new interchange would erase a significant part of the battlefield and damage interpretation efforts, while endangering already preserved land and undermining future preservation opportunities.
Please take a moment to sign our letter of thanks to Governor Youngkin, his staff, and Virginia’s General Assembly for the care they expressed and the actions they took to safeguard Virginia’s history.

Our nation’s unprotected battlefields are facing a new generation of aggressive new threats: massive data center. We believe it is important to preserve and protect these hallowed grounds. If you agree, please take a moment to sign our petition and...
Help stop the largest rezoning effort in Orange County, Va. history! Use your voice to take a stand against massive development impacting The Wilderness Battlefield.

Help show the depth of public opposition to the Prince William Digital Gateway – proposed to become the largest data center campus in the world – by raising your voice with local leaders.

As we approach the 250th anniversary of the “shot heard ’round the world” at Lexington & Concord, a plan to expand a nearby airfield could worsen noise, air, and traffic problems.