Battlefields Educators
Make History Your Students' Favorite Subject
Explore our library of FREE resources to engage your students in American history like never before.
Become a Battlefields Educator
As an educator, you can make a big impression in leading young Americans to care about the history of the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and the Civil War as well as the fate of the battlefields associated with these conflicts.
Sign in or create your free Battlefields Educators account
Create your FREE Battlefields Educators account today. Use it to bookmark all of your favorite resources–keeping them just a click away when you need them. Visit your library anytime to access materials, create your own playlists to share them with others and more. Sign up for our monthly Battlefield Bulletin email series to stay in the loop on new classroom materials too. Click here to learn more about creating a Battlefields Educators account.
Events & Programs
Discover a wealth of resources to elevate your teaching journey and inspire your students’ passion for history. From major educator events to a grant program to unlock enriching field trip funding possibilities and so much more, explore the events and programs designed to bring more history to your classroom.
Classroom Tools
Whether you’re delving into the American Revolution, War of 1812, or Civil War, or exploring your ancestral connections to these periods, we’ve got you covered. Plus, we’ll help you make the most of ancestral diaries, letters, and artifacts, and guide you through ancestral research. Let’s dive in!
Recommended Resources
Discover some of the latest and most valuable educator resources from the Trust's collection. Explore innovative tools, lesson plans and materials designed to enrich your teaching experience and captivate your students’ curiosity about history.