How is the Trust working with our Nation's youth?
The American Battlefield Trust seeks to preserve our nation’s hallowed battlegrounds and educate the public about what happened there and why it matters today. We permanently protect these battlefields for future generations as a lasting and tangible memorial to the brave soldiers who fought in the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War.
Youth Leadership Team

The American Battlefield Trust Youth Leadership Team (YLT) is a rotating group of 10 young people, aged 15-18, chosen every year to serve as the youth face and voice of the American Battlefield Trust. YLT members will participate politically in our Lobby Day on Capitol Hill, create battlefield preservation, education, or visitation projects in their local communities, and attend our Annual Conference.
The American Battlefield Trust Youth Leadership Team is supported by the Pipkin Charitable Foundation. Their generosity has changed the lives of 25 students to date.
Interested in learning more or how to apply? Check out our Youth Leadership Team FAQ.
Great Task

The “Great Task” Youth Leadership Program is based upon the ideals set forth in President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, "It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion…"
While in Gettysburg, participants of the “Great Task” program will learn about the actions, decisions, leadership and other traits (including integrity, endurance, teamwork, and others) demonstrated by ordinary individuals confronted with the extraordinary challenges presented by the Battle of Gettysburg, whether they were soldiers, doctors, nurses, or civilians. Participating students will then work to apply lessons of leadership and good character to identified community service projects in their own home communities. Gettysburg National Military Park is an open-air classroom that tells more than stories of battle and war. Thus, the "Great Task" is not just about the Battle of Gettysburg, it is about using and implementing the positive traits displayed by the participants of the battle in YOUR everyday life, schools, and community.
The Great Task Youth Leadership Program is made possible through the generous support of the Peter Bowe and Barbara Stewart Foundation.

When you spark a child's interest in history it is a magical moment. Many parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles fondly remember their first trip to a battlefield, a museum, or an interaction with a costumed presenter. Those moments sparked their respective interests in American History. Our Generations program is designed to do just that for the next generation of Americans, spark an interest in history. By bringing families from different generations out to historic sites, we are able to engage with our past, learn about the people and events that have shaped the history of this great nation, while passing along an enduring legacy to the next generation of Americans...while having fun.