Class field trip sponsored by the Trust's Field Trip Fund.
Free Resources for Educators
Welcome National Council for the Social Studies Conference Attendees!
The American Battlefield Trust is a proud sponsor of the NCSS Conference!
As a social studies educator, we know you can make a big impression when it comes to helping young Americans to care about the history. We are thrilled to help by providing you a wealth of free material on American history – focusing on the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and the Civil War. Your students will be the ones to decide how we remember these conflicts and whether we preserve the sites that shaped the history of our nation, so please be in touch it there is anything we can do to support your work.
Frequently asked questions:
How do I cite the American Battlefield Trust on a paper or project?
Where can I start reading about the American Revolution?
Where can I start reading about the War of 1812?
Where can I start reading About the Civil War?
What can I do with my Ancestor Diaries, Letters, and Artifacts?
How do I research my Ancestors?
How can I become a member of the American Battlefield Trust?