Pickett's Mill
Paulding County, GA | May 27, 1864
Stopped in his tracks at New Hope Church on May 25-26, 1864, Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman was determined to circumvent Gen. Joseph Johnston's army once again by sending Maj. Gen. Oliver O. Howard's IV Corps on a flanking move, this time around the Confederate right. After a five-hour march through rugged terrain, Howard's men found the Rebels entrenched near Pickett's Mill, 15 miles west of Marietta. On the afternoon of May 27, Howard ordered an assault against the Confederate works. Waiting were 10,000 troops under Maj. Gen. Patrick Cleburne. The Federal assault began at 5:00 p.m. and continued into the night. Dismounted Confederate cavalry harassed the left flanks of the six attacking Federal brigades. Daybreak found the Confederates still in possession of the field. The Confederate victory emboldened Johnston to attack Sherman’s right near Dallas the next day.
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