Cedar Creek

The Battle of Cedar Creek
Belle Grove
In the fall of 1864, Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan, commander of the Union Army of the Shenandoah, marched down the fertile Shenandoah Valley burning the countryside to starve out the Confederate forces in Virginia. By mid-October, after Sheridan’s victories at Third Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Tom’s Brook, Confederate Lt. Gen. Jubal Early and his exhausted Army of the Valley seemed near the breaking point. Nevertheless, outnumbered two-to-one, Early hoped to even the odds by launching a daring attack that could drive the Federals out of the lower Valley.
After an audacious night march, Early’s troops forded the North Fork of the Shenandoah River north of Strasburg and attacked the Yankees encamped near Cedar Creek. The thick morning fog did much to aid the smaller Confederate force, concealing their numbers and causing confusion in the Federal ranks. The Southerners drove first the VIII, then the XIX, then the VI Corps from their camps, across Belle Grove plantation, then north of Middletown. By mid-morning, it looked as if the Confederates had won an astounding victory.
This success, however, brought problems of its own. The very fog that had shielded their advance had also caused Confederate units to become jumbled in the aftermath of their morning assault. Furthermore, many soldiers in Early's army were starving and for some, the abandoned Union camps - where food and supplies were abundant - presented the perfect opportunity to fill their haversacks and their stomachs with Yankee goods. Untold numbers of Confederates fell out of ranks to pilfer the enemy's stores. By midday Early required considerable time to reorganize his force for a final, crushing blow.
Meanwhile, word of the battle reached Sheridan, who was 20 miles away at Winchester. The Union chief saddled his prize horse, Rienzi, and rode furiously to the battlefield, rallying stragglers along the way. His arrival restored the spirits of his beleaguered troops who, Sheridan promised, would be back in their camps by nightfall. Around 4:00 p.m., the reorganized Federal army launched a savage counterattack for which Early’s men were ill-prepared. By late afternoon, the Confederates were forced to yield the very ground they had captured scarcely twelve hours before. Rebel division commander Brig. Gen. Stephen Dodson Ramseur was mortally wounded near Belle Grove where he later died. As the sun set over the Alleghenies, the Federals had not only regained the ground they lost, but had also extinguished any hope of further Confederate offensives in the Shenandoah Valley.