Stone Arabia
Fort Plain, NY | Oct 19, 1780
Sir John Johnson’s force crossed the Mohawk River with the intention of burning the town of Stone Arabia as part of his campaign to destroy the homes of American rebels. Capt. Joseph Brant and his men were in advance of the main body when they came under attack from Col. John Brown’s advance guard. Once both forces fully engaged, the British outflanked the Americans and drove them to retreat to the two forts beyond Stone Arabia where they used cannon fire to keep the British from continuing the attack. Instead Sir John Johnson and his forces followed through with their plans to burn the town and then continued across the Mohawk Valley.
Stone Arabia was one of many communities attacked by Sir John Johnson’s raiding party. Col. Brown’s attack on Johnson’s column allowed Gen. Robert van Rensselaer to reach Johnson by the evening of the same day. Rensselaer was then able to bring Johnson to bay at the Battle of Klock’s Field.
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