Combined Federal Campaign and State Charitable Campaigns
Support the American Battlefield Trust through your State and Federal Charitable Programs
With the help of those that supported the American Battlefield Trust last year through their workplace giving campaigns, we were able to reach the milestone of more than 58,000 acres of Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Civil War battlefield land saved—the most saved by any land heritage organization in America.
With all that the Trust accomplished last year, it’s hard to believe we have only just scratched the surface. Help us make this even more successful than the last!
CFC #11785

The American Battlefield Trust is proud to mark its 21st year as a participant in the CFC. If you are a federal government or military employee, please consult your local CFC website for information and instructions on how to donate to the American Battlefield Trust (CFC #11785).
If you decided to support the Trust through your CFC donation, please:
- Let us know about your gift, especially if you are a Color Bearer. Don’t forget to complete the Recognition Options box on your pledge form and check the appropriate boxes. If you do not complete this box we will not be able to thank you for your gift. You can also inform us of your gift by contacting Meaghan K. Hogan at or 202-367-1861 ext. 7242.
- Please be aware that there is a long lag time between when you complete your pledge form and when we are told about your gift, so you may not receive an acknowledgement from us for a number of months.

Once again the American Battlefield Trust has been designated as one of the “Best in America” nonprofit organizations certified by Independent Charities of America. The “Best in America” seal of approval was inspired by a comparative review of “watchdog” groups by the National Council of Nonprofit Associations. The Council included the CFC standards in its review, and the American Battlefield Trust meets or exceeds the standards. Of the more than 50,000 charities that participate in the CFC, only about 1,500 or 3% will have the opportunity to display this “Best in America” seal of approval.
State Employees’ Workplace Charitable Campaigns
In 2021, the American Battlefield Trust is participating in a number of state workplace charitable campaigns:
- California
- Connecticut
- Illinois
- Maryland
- Missouri
- New Jersey
- New York
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Washington
Most campaigns run from mid-September to mid-December 2021. If you are a state employee in one of the states listed above, please consult your index in the state campaign materials for information and instructions for selecting our organization as your choice for charitable giving in your workplace. Each state assigns the charity its own campaign number, and these are listed in your campaign materials.
If you are looking for our listing in your state’s campaign materials, many times we are listed under the group “America's Best Charities.” Some states still list us as the Civil War Trust, so to find our listing online, you can search for the keywords “Civil War” or "American Battlefield Trust".
Some states provide their employees with the ability to make online donations, while others provide pledge cards for employees to complete and return. If you have any questions please contact your Human Resources department or campaign contacts. We are happy to assist you in making your pledge. Please contact Meaghan K. Hogan at or (202) 367-1861 ext. 7242 if you would like support.
If you decide to designate the American Battlefield Trust, please include your name and address so that we can acknowledge your gift.

You can still donate to the American Battlefield Trust through the United Way by writing “American Battlefield Trust” on your eligibility card. Your donation will be transferred to us through the United Way just as it would be if you were able to list our number on the card. Your campaign manager should be able to assist you in completing your pledge card.
If you select the American Battlefield Trust, please let us know so that we can ensure that we receive your donation; this allows us to acknowledge your gift properly. Please contact Meaghan K. Hogan at or (202) 367-1861 ext. 7242 when you have made your donation or if you have any questions. Thank you for your support!