Civil War Monument Speeches
Following is a collection of speeches and remarks made for the dedication of Civil War monuments erected between 1887 and 1938. Please read for yourself what the speakers had to say about efforts memorialize the soldiers and units who fought in the Civil War.
Chamberlain’s Address for to the 20th Maine Monument at Gettysburg
Opening Speech for the Dedication of the South Carolina Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield
Dedication of the 78th Pennsylvania Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield
Opening Dedication Speech for the Unveiling of the A.P. Hill Monument, Richmond, VA.
Opening Dedication Speech for the Virginia Memorial at Gettysburg
Dedication of the 114th Pennsylvania Monument on the Gettysburg Battlefield
Theodore Roosevelt’s Dedication Speech to the New Jersey State Monument at Antietam
Dedication of the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry Monument at Aldie
Second Dedication Speech for the Unveiling of the A.P. Hill Monument, Richmond, VA.
Second Dedication Speech for the Virginia Memorial at Gettysburg
Dedication of the Peace Light Memorial at Gettysburg
Cornerstone Laying of the Arlington National Cemetery Confederate Monument