Clark B. Hall

FBI supervisory agent and congressional investigator Clark B. “Bud” Hall became involved in the fight to save a part of Virginia’s Chantilly battlefield in 1986. Hall co-founded the Chantilly Battlefield Association with fellow Bearss Award honorees Brian Pohanka and Ed Wenzel. But his true passion was for Confederate Gen. J.E.B. Stuart and the cavalry battlefield at Brandy Station. When that sprawling Culpeper County battlefield became threatened by development in 1988, Hall led the fight to stop it, co-founding the Brandy Station Foundation. The struggle continued for more than 25 years, with Hall fighting every step of the way. But preservationists prevailed in several encounters, and most of the battlefield has been preserved – one of the American Battlefield Trust’s crowning achievements. Hall also was one of the first board members of the Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites, one of the Trust’s two parent organizations, joining soon after APCWS was founded in 1987.