White House Battery

White House, VA  |  Sep 2 - 6, 1814

On September 2, 1814, Capt. James Alexander commanded a British fleet against the American artillery battery at Whitehouse, Virginia. The lack of winds stalled the British fleet from continuing past the White House battery and both sides bombarded each other over the next few days with little effect. With the winds changed, the British conducted a final bombardment that silenced the American battery before sailing on to Chesapeake Bay on September 6.

After the burning of Washington and the occupation of Alexandria, the White House Battery engagement improved American morale although it only inflicted slight damage on the British fleet. The engagement did not have any long-term effects on the campaign or the war. 

Related Battles

White House, VA | September 2, 1814
Result: United States Victory
Estimated Casualties
United States
United Kingdom