Thomas Carney: "Bore His Share of Privation and Suffering"

Thomas Carney fought in a Maryland regiment during the Revolutionary War. After his death on June 30, 1828, this obituary was printed in local papers, detailing his military service.
Near the village of Denton, in Maryland, on the 30th ult. THOMAS CARNEY, a colored man, at the advanced age of 74. At the commencement of the Revolution, Tom enlisted as a soldier under Col. Peter Adams, and soon after was marched to the North, and was in the memorable battle of Germantown. In this action, the Maryland troops bore a conspicuous parts, but the Americans were compelled to yield to a superior force. Soon after this, Washington retired in Valley Forge, and took up his Winter quarters. The sufferings of the army during that severe Winter, are well known to every American. With the spirit of true patriotism, Tom bore his share of privation and suffering. When the Maryland and Delaware lines were ordered to the South, Tom marched with his brave regiment, and shared, in that quarter, with his companions in arms, the hardships, misfortunes, and glories of war. At the battle of Guilford Court House, he bore a conspicuous part as a soldier, and has often persisted that when the Maryland troops came to the charge, he bayoneted seven of the enemy. At Camden, Hobkirk's Hill, and Ninety-six, he bore his post, and was always with his brave regiment under Howard, among the first to the charge. At Ninety-six, his Captain, (the late Major General Benson) received a dangerous wound, but regardless of nothing but opposing the enemy, he forgot his commander, until ordered to take him to the Surgeon. Though Benson was considerably above the common size, he carried him on his shoulders some considerable distance, to the place at which the surgeon was stationed; but, like a true soldier, held on to his musket, that had so often protected him in the hour of danger. At length, overcome by excessive fatigue and heat, as he laid the almost lifeless body of Benson at the feet of the surgeon, he fainted. After he came to himself, he determined to join his regiment again; but, to his great mortification, was peremptorily ordered by the commanding officer to remain, and protect his captain, which he did with care and tenderness. For this kindness and attention, Benson never forgot him, and, whenever he came to this county, invariably paid his first visit to Tom, and, while reviewing the militia, would always have him mounted on a horse, and at his side.
Death Notices in the Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express, July 22, 1828, Page 3. Accessed through
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