Col. James Ewell Brown “J.E.B.” Stuart, IV

The Civil War Trust’s broker, Colonel James Ewell Brown “J.E.B.” Stuart, IV is retiring. We are so grateful for Mr. Stuart’s dedicated time with the Trust, especially for his help in pioneering our Stock Donation Program.
Please consider a gift of stock in honor of J.E.B.’s legacy!
Colonel James Ewell Brown “J.E.B.” Stuart, IV is the great-grandson of the esteemed Confederate Major General J.E.B. Stuart (1833-1864), the master cavalryman known especially for his reconnaissance missions during the Civil War.
J.E.B. was a Registered Senior Client Associate with Merrill Lynch in Richmond, Virginia. Prior to joining Merrill Lynch, he was associated with the Regional Brokerage Firm of Branch Cabell and its two successor firms Tucker Anthony and RBC Dain Rauscher. From 1985 to 1991, he served as a Chief Industrial Engineer with Figgie International in Richmond, Virginia.
J.E.B. is a graduate from University of Virginia, with a Bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering. He received a Masters degree in Industrial Engineering from North Carolina State University. He has also obtained degrees from the Army Command General Staff College, and the Army War College.
In 1958 he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army through ROTC and served a period of 27 years until his retirement from the Army in early 1985. Awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Meritorious Service Medal with oak leaf cluster, and the Army Commendation Medal. Foreign decorations include the Vietnamese Honor Medal 1st Class and the Vietnamese Air Medal.
J.E.B. is a member and Past-Commander of the Order of the Southern Cross. He is also a member of the Military Order of the Stars and Bars, and is a member and Past-President of the Sons of the Revolution in the state of Virginia. He also served several years as Chairman of the Board for the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia.
J.E.B. and his wife have three children; Elizabeth Pelham who lives in Goochland County; J.E.B. V, who works as a surgeon with the Ortho Virginia Group in Richmond, and John Alexander who works as a Civil Engineer in Richmond, Virginia. They also have five grandchildren, one of whom is J.E.B. Stuart VI.