Magee House
Kushla, Alabama | This historic site was the location of a meeting between the last active Union and Confederate commanders east of the Mississippi...
Lincoln Amphitheater and Lincoln State Park
Lincoln City, Indiana | The 1,747-acre park features 10 miles of hiking trails through the region where Abraham Lincoln spent his youth.
Mine Creek Battlefield State Historic Site
Pleasanton, Kansas | On October 25, 1864, on the banks of Mine Creek, two Union brigades of approximately 2,500 troops defeated approximately 7,000...
Jacob Purdy House
The Battle of White Plains was the last defeat General Washington suffered before he was forced out of the Colony of New York entirely. After narrowly...
Southern Memorial Association
Summers, Arkansas | Some 622 gray-clad patriots who fought and fell in the Civil War battles of Prairie Grove, Pea Ridge and elsewhere around this...
St. Charles History Museum
St. Charles, Illinois | The museum exhibits artifacts, pictures, and written information about the community's association with the Underground...