Meet Steven G. Moore of Chattanooga, Tenn.
An interview with a Color Bearer member
“Although I wish I could donate more financially, I know what I do contribute has a purpose...”
Steven G. Moore, Color Bearer

American Battlefield Trust: What moved you to first give to our organization?
Moore: I began donating in the 1990’s to then what was named the Civil War Trust.
Having grown up on the edge of the Chickamauga Battlefield, I become an avid history reader as a child. I spent countless hours riding my bicycle and walking the battlefield and thinking about the large battle that took place there, about a 1/2 mile from my childhood home. I knew every trail and location of markers in desolate parts of the battlefield.
Although he did not participate in the battle, Gen. Stonewall Jackson became my favorite participant in the War. I read every book in the public library on him. I would welcome the opportunity to converse with Gen. Jackson about religion, warfare, military tactics, and his obsession with lemons!
What do you enjoy most about being a Color Bearer?
Being a Color Bearer I am privy to the preservation efforts this organization and others undertake to preserve our nation’s history. Although I wish I could donate more financially, I know what I do contribute has a purpose — to preserve the battlefields for future generations to walk and think about how hallowed the ground they walk upon truly is.
What would you like to pass on to future generations?
I wish our society would stop trying to erase our history — embrace it, good and bad, but most importantly, preserve it for future generations to interpret what led to a “nation divided” and hopefully learn from the carnage of war that any issue can be resolved with citizens united with compromising minds in efforts to preserve the Republic.
These lessons must be taught in our schools and colleges; with truth of the conflict without political ideology tainting the historical facts.
Anything else you want to share?
I read with pride all the efforts that we as an organization have accomplished and will accomplish in the future. I am proud that I have even in a small way helped preserve many Civil War battlefields. And I will continue to do so.