This is a photograph of the Monmouth battlefield during a golden sunset.

The Point of Woods at the Monmouth Battlefield State Park, Monmouth County, N.J.

Meredith Barnes


Monmouth Courthouse

The 1,818-acre Monmouth Battlefield State Park commemorates the inconclusive fight between the Continental Army and British forces on June 28, 1778. Visitors can learn more about the battle and view an array of excavated artifacts at the park’s visitor center atop Combs Hill. To explore the battlefield, visitors can pick up several detailed self-guided hiking tours, produced by the Friends of Monmouth Battlefield, at the visitor’s center or read informational signs throughout the park.  

Part of the battlefield is still a working farm like it was during the time of the battle, and three of the seven farmhouses present during the battle are still standing: the Sutfin Farmhouse, the Rhea-Applegate House, and the Craig House. Every June, a reenactment of the battle is performed on the site.

Monmouth: What's Nearby

Manalapan, NJ
Rev War  |  Museum
Battle of Connecticut Farms and Liberty Hall Museum
Union, NJ

Related Battles

New Jersey | June 28, 1778
Result: Inconclusive
Estimated Casualties