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American Battlefield Trust Opposes Data Center in Proximity to Manassas National Battlefield Park

Incompatible development would undermine historic landscape that figured into two major battles

Jim Campi, (202) 367-1861, ext 7205

Mary Koik, (202) 367-1861, ext 7231

(Manassas, Va.) — The American Battlefield Trust has issued the following statement in opposition to the proposed located along historic Pageland Lane in Prince William County, between the Manassas National Battlefield Park and Conroy Robinson State Forest. 

“Prince William County, Virginia, is home to two of the 423 units of the National Park System: Prince William Forest Park and Manassas National Battlefield Park. Unfortunately, these parks — historic open spaces that welcome hundreds of thousands of visitors each year — are situated in a rapidly developing region and, therefore, face very real danger.

“Where once the only threat was residential and commercial growth spiraling out of Washington, D.C., the latest development craze appears to be massive data centers to fuel our digital lives. Recently, despite public opposition, construction of data centers was approved just inside the congressionally authorized boundary of Prince William Forest Park. Now, another large proposal has come forward for the area between Manassas National Battlefield Park and Conway Robinson State Forest, in an area previously set aside with A-1 Agricultural zoning.

“We see industrial development of this location, historically part of the battlefield and teaming with wildlife, as the worst possible fate for this largely pristine landscape.  Data centers in this area are incompatible with a National Park and State Forest.  We urge the county to consider another location, more suitable for such development.”

The American Battlefield Trust is part of a coalition of organizations opposed to data center development adjacent to Manassas National Battlefield Park, including the Prince William Conservation Alliance, Piedmont Environmental Council, National Parks Conservation Association, Manassas Battlefield Trust and local concerned citizens.

The American Battlefield Trust is dedicated to preserving America’s hallowed battlegrounds and educating the public about what happened there and why it matters today. The nonprofit, nonpartisan organization has protected more than 54,000 acres associated with the Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Civil War. Learn more at www.battlefields.org.
