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Video: In4 Minutes

The In4 video series features historians discussing foundational topics about the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War. Videos are generally no more than four minutes long, and subjects range from a description of notable generals, to an explanation of artillery, to a description of the significance of the Western Theater, or Southern Campaign.

Stonewall Jackson

VIDEO | Watch the American Battlefield Trust's newest In4 with Chris Mackowski of Emerging Civil War detailing the life of famed Confederate General...

The Battle of Shiloh

VIDEO | Author and Historian Timothy B. Smith speaks on the Battle of Shiloh, which at its time was the biggest battle in American history and...

National Cemeteries

VIDEO | Don Pfanz, one of the founders of the American Battlefield Trust, details why National Cemeteries were made after the Civil War and describes...
Rev War  |  Video

Thomas Paine

VIDEO | Jim Percoco of the American Battlefield Trust sheds light on one of the overlooked figures of the American Revolution, Thomas Paine. Paine was...