Traveling Trunk Photo Permission
Our photo release and permission form for our Traveling Trunk Program
(Traveling Trunk)
The Civil War Trust (CWT), the nation’s largest non-profit focused on preserving America’s Civil War battlefields, intends to promote its Traveling Trunk of Civil War related contents as it passes through various schools across the US.
CWT intends to promote representative photographs, electronic images and/or videos from those students, teachers and others participating with the Traveling Trunk on its website ( and other CWT-managed web properties (including, but not limited to, the CWT Flickr, Facebook, and YouTube sites) as examples of the great work that many in our schools are undertaking in support of Civil War education.
Participant Permission
I hereby grant permission for the photographs, video or other electronic images of _______________________________ (print name) to be published on the CWT website at the sole discretion of CWT and release CWT from any and all liability and legal or equitable claims of any kind related to subjects, information or items published on the CWT website. CWT will attribute such photographs, video or other electronic images when reasonably appropriate.
I hereby grant permission for the name of ________________________________ (print name) to be used in text-only articles on the CWT website.
By signing below, the Parent/Guardian agrees to, attests, confirms and understands all of the above statements, terms and conditions of this legally binding agreement.
Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print):________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________