Concerned Preservationists: Ward off Development at Bristoe Station
We urge concerned preservationists to consider signing this petition, so your opposition to Manassas Logistic Center project can be considered by decision makers. Prince William County resident? Sign this letter instead.
The Trammell Crow Company has proposed a development that would stretch across several properties within the historic core of the Bristoe Station Battlefield. Entitled the Manassas Logistic Center, the proposal calls for six warehouse structures totaling 772,000 square feet of interior space on historically significant battlefield land, with thousands more feet of impervious parking lot pavement. Hundreds of tractor trailers and other traffic will be added to already congested Route 28, making an already frustrating commute even more maddening.
The area is also known to include significant archaeological resources associated with a Civil War encampment from the winter of 1861-1862 and potentially includes hundreds of military burials attributed to disease in the camp and the October 1863 battle.
Despite the known impacts of this project, essential details, such as the anticipated increase in commuter and truck traffic on Route 28, Bristow Road, and other nearby throughfares – with its associated air and noise pollution -- have not been disclosed in project documentation. Additionally, information regarding viewshed impacts and building heights has not been made available to the public. Extrapolating from elements of an adjacent distribution center project already in process, the full build out will include 175 dock doors for tractor trailers and 1,400 parking spaces. Lack of transparency surrounding the project has raised concerns among local officials and residents alike.
If you are a concerned preservationist, please consider signing this petition so your opposition to the Manassas Logistic Center project can be considered by decision makers.
Are you a Prince William County resident? Sign this letter instead.